My Meet App project is a progressive web app (PWA) made using React and following a test driven development approach that also makes use of Google's calendar API. The purpose of the project (completed as part of my course for CareerFoundry) was primarily to introduce concepts like TDD, serverless functions, progressive web apps, alert systems using an Object-oriented programming approach, Lighthouse's PWA checklist, and data visualization!
Technology Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, AWS Lambda, Google API, Jest, Puppeteer, OAuth2 Authentication, Data Visualization via Recharts.
My Chat App is an application built using React Native that allows users to enter a chat with their chosen name, send messages containing text or images, and even share their location. The app stores conversations locally and makes use of Firebase Cloud Storage.
Technology Used: JavaScript, React Native, Firebase, Expo, Gifted Chat.
BrettFlix is an Angular based client-side component that makes use of a server-side RESTful API I built in a prior project to make a cohesive Full-Stack application. Users can register, login, view movie info (including genres & directors), add/remove favorite movies to a user specific favorites list, update user info, as well as delete their accounts entirely.
Technology Used: HTML, SCSS, TypeScript, TypeDoc, Angular, Angular Material, RESTful API.
My Pokedex App was my first introduction to the world of JavaScript, & is a simple application allowing users to view a list of the original 150 Pokemon! The application does so by fetching data from an external API & rendering the data in said list. Users can then click on a Pokemon's name to bring up a modal containing more information about the Pokemon, including a classic video game style image of them!
Technology Used: HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Prettier, External API (Pokemon API), modals, GitHub Pages.
This project is the server-side component for the MyFlix client-side (both React & Angular) apps in my portfolio. It provides users with access to information about movies, including their genres & directors. Users are able to sign up, update info, and create/edit a list of favorite movies.
Technology Used: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Postman.
This project is the React based client-side component for the MyFlix application based on my existing server-side code (REST API and database). Users can register, login, view movie info (including genres & directors), filter movies, add/remove favorite movies to a user specific favorites list, update user info, as well as delete their accounts entirely.
Technology Used: JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, Redux, Parcel.